Monday, September 29, 2014

Ethos - Would you want this women teach your daughter how she should act?

Would you want this women teach your daughter how she should act?

         Description: Macintosh HD:Users:christinasteele:Desktop:images-1.jpg            Description: Macintosh HD:Users:christinasteele:Desktop:Jennifer-Lawrence-Rolling-Stone-Cover.jpg 

Jennifer Lawrence- Most teenagers know the actress for her lead role in the multi-million dollar franchise, The Hunger Games. Jennifer won an Oscar in 2013 at age 22 for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook and this year, she topped both Forbes list of most powerful actresses and list of the sexiest women in the world. Other than being extremely successful in her acting career, many idolize Jennifer and call her “Americas sweetheart” for her empowering attitude, personality, and beauty.

Most people seem to be attracted to the young star due to her seeming ‘real,’ that because she seems so down to earth when talking to, she feels like your average person. Jen is admired because people can relate to the things she says unlike most other stars because they live such acclaimed and public lifestyles. She rejects the expectations of society on girls for their need to be skinny, and uses herself as an example of someone who can be content with how they look even through they are not of supermodel standards. However, recently Jennifer is endured a scandal that could effect her image of her being “America’s sweetheart.” In late August an unidentified 4Chan user hacked Jennifer’s icloud, saved nude images of her, and then posted them online.

This has made many speculate on Jennifer’s wholesome image and if this will affect her career in acting. Some people don’t think her having nudes is a big deal, others are disappointed to find their idol would do something like this. Comments on twitter bash Lawrence, claiming that she was foolish to be upset that the photos got leaked if she took that risk by taking them in the first place. Some believe Jenn will make a joke about it, however she hasn’t commented on the matter, only her agents saying that the scandal is “fragrant violation of privacy.” This presents the question that have we mistaken Jennifer Lawrence for being to noble and perfect or is she really a deceitful person trying to appeal to us to make her more famous, or is it possible that she is just a human being with free will to make her own choices and mistakes.

Christina Steele

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