Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pathos Advertisement Week 3

In this ASPCA advertisement, the producers use pathos to persuade the audience to think as they do, and possibly be moved so much that they donate to support the organization. The advertisement uses very disturbing videos of animals in which they look helpless, lost, and extremely dejected that moves the audience to feel powerful emotions. The commercial takes the audience out of their comfort zone and makes them uncomfortable so they might donate to get rid of the guilty emotions. The audience might also feel a pull to help these animals especially because they are helpless, and as the speaker says “Animals are abused everyday and they cant ask for help…they’re without a voice” prompting the audience to become their voice and do something out of pity and power. The commercial establishes a connection with the audience because they all go through the terrible sadness together and are all left with the same queasy feelings afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. I hate these ads they make me cry too much.
